Jalan Sunyi Senyap No.27 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 56081, Fax. (022) 587949, email:

Ref             : 09/PB/I/2018                                                               15 January 2018
Enclosure   : 1 File
Heart & Company, Inc
Level 27 Governor Philip Tower
Subject: Complaint Letter
Dear Sir,
          According to our agreement, we would like to tell you that there was a mistake about the Construction Management Expert. You just send one the Construction Management Expert, whereas according to the agreement you should send two people.
          Therefore, for the solution’s we want you to refund 30% of the cost that we have been transferred. Thank you for your cooperation.
                                                                                                Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                                PT PINK BLINK
                                                                                               Anabel Prita, S. Psi.,
                                                                                               Operational Director
CC :
1. General Manager
2. File 


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